Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Niko's Diary: Hate at first sight?

Why me? That's my question. The only one. It's just one! WHY ME? There are many... crazy girls who may wanna be in my place, why they couldn't choose one of them? I feel so... AHH!! But, ok... I'm gonna calm down and tell you everything from the beginning. How all this started...

There's a new guy in our class. His name is Wayne. Yeah. I'm talking about Wayne, the Pop Star, the vocalist of "Sparkle". The "perfect" guy according to the girls in my class. Perfect... yeah, right.
So maybe you are wondering: what is a superstar as Wayne doing in an ordinary school? Well, the answer is quite simple: his school marks got worst. Tours and fame went to his head. And what solution did the teachers suggest? Find a tutor for him. And yes... that tutor was me. They said they would give me some extra points, of course. But did I want to do it? No. Did I need it? Maybe. The truth is that I needed a few points in Math, so I accepted. Now I totally regret.

We met after school, in the same classroom. The truth is I was a little nervous. He was the lead singer of "Sparkle" after all!
"Hi!", I said with the best smile I could do. 
"Hey...", he answered reluctantly, without looking at me. That bothered me a little. At that moment I felt that things weren't going well at all. 
"So you are Wayne, right?"
"Yeah... want an autograph?", his attitude was bothering me more.
"Err... no, thanks. I'm Niko, by the way."
"I know", he snorted. I was surprise. Did he know my name?"You're that boring girl, the one who's always reading."
"Just because I read doesn't mean I'm boring." 
"Sure, and that's why you are always alone..." Ouch. That really hurt. Who did he think he was to tell me those things!!!
"At least I'm not an idiot that failed five subjects." And the look he gave me could kill me, I swear. Of course, I looked at him in the same way. It was like a war of looks. "Let's start with the lesson, ok?"
And with that we began to review some things. We stayed there for a few hours ... the worst and longest hours of my life. He was the most egocentric person I had known! In the end, I just stood up, and with a quick "Goodbye, see you tomorrow" I went to my apartment as fast as I could.

How can that be? He has fans? Seriously? With that attitude? I doubt! He is a real bummer! But still... I must admit he is very attractive. 
Just a little, of course. 

Hi Girls! So, here is the first part of the story I told you. It's short, I know. The thing is that I don't want you to get bored with too many words! Also I know I'm not the best writer, but at least I'm trying and is fun! haha
Hope you like it!! See you the next time!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Hello everyone!
Great and big new for you girls!!  Drumroll please...


It was very exciting to see many girls walking around with the guy of their dreams! I couldn't believe it! It happened, it really happened! Boys have came and now they are everyway!

Also, there is another store called Urban Society for boys. The thing is that you can only  purchase there if you have a boyfriend, yeap.

So... did you find someone who moves your heart?? ... or are you still looking for HIM? Maybe you like two guys!! :o who knows... The only thing I know is that these days will be CRAZY! Dates everywhere!! haha.

I wish you luck darlings. Really. I hope your experiences with guys were better than mine hahaha Why I'm saying this?? 'cause it's true! The first guy I met was the first guy I hate! lol It's a long and funny story actually. We are still friends, if you're asking... and I don't know. The things between us are becoming an epic romatic comedy hahaha I think I should write a story... yeah, I will do that for sure! :D

So.. the next time I will share my epic romantic story with you girls :) See you!!! Take care!

Saturday, 19 October 2013

We are late... again

We are back after a loooooong break, sorry about that. Homework consumed all our time, it's horrible, we know! But we try to find small spaces in our agenda for this Blog :)
Soooooooo.... let's start!!
When I entered to SCW today, the first thing I realized was the decoration... HALLOWEEN MY FRIENDS!! I can feel it in the atmosphere. Pumpkins and costumes everywhere! I can't wait anymore! Vale and I will do a sleepover: we will see horror movies all night and eat sweets until our stomach hurts. Do you have plans for this Halloween? A sleepover? Or maybe a party? We love parties! We wonder if there will be Halloween parties in Spark City... if so, don't hesitate to invite us! We will try to go on our best costumes... and talking about costumes... have you seen the new ones in Forever Chic and Timeless Trends? They are awesome! And there are for VIP's and non-VIP! That's cool.


I think I'm missing something... OH, YEA! THE BOYS! Thery are comming! OMG, I'm so excited! Did one of them have already stolen your heart? Mine is still looking for a crafty and nice thief hahaha
Well, that's all for today. We will try to update more often :) Pinky promise!
See ya dears!!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

I've just realized this!

Ok. So... I'm very clueless, I know, and I swear I hadn't noticed the "new" items in the Secret Store. When I found out what they were, I was very excited: it was just what I like. And also I think this "new" items are not so.. "new". Here there are:
I KNOW! The patriotic shoulder shirts! I always wanted them... I'm not from Canada or USA... but the shirts are so cool that I just wanted both!! So I bought them on the Secret Store, and by the way, now it is on the Water View again.

Another thing I've just noticed... the Summer Party on Spark Park. It's ironic, you know?? It's a Sumer party but here in my country is Winter haha. Well I think I need some sun now... I'm freezing! hahaha
Also I see a lot of watermelons... nice, I love them!! So... as a PARTY, I think I should do something with my sis Vale, I don't know... maybe a party at my apartment or on the same Spark Park that is beautifully decorated! We'll think about something.

Another thing... oh, right! About the clothes... now we can wear our VIP outfits If we have... that's amazing, right?? Yesterday I was very sad about that... but now all changed. Very quickly I must say... but I'm glad :)

So, that all for today. It's saturday (on my country), and I'm gonna have a party! It's Girl's Night! yey! Do you have plans for today with your friends?? Well if you have or not...I hope you have a lot of fun :)


Thursday, 15 August 2013

We are back... again

Hello Girls!
Ok... I must say this... SORRY. I am, really. This year has been crazy for me to be honest.: it's my last year in school and I've been preparing myself for college and finishing my English classes, the same with Vale, so... again... SORRY.
So.... yesterday, Vale and I entered to Spark City and we realized some new things that totally surprised us:

First, the cars. That's absolutely AWESOME! It's a shame that cars are only for VIPs.... now there's another reason for being VIP! I want that pink car... or maybe the red one, OMG! I want all of them!
Second, the siamese cat. So cute!!! And also the brown dog is now available for non-VIPs now, is great news! I have a lot of friends that always wanted a pet, so now they can have one :)
Third... and unfortunately I don't like it very much... the clothes. WHAT HAPPENED?? I have some VIP outfits as much as you have... and now happens that we can't wear those clothes if we are not VIP. My first reaction was: WHAAAAT?? I was very sad. I'm still. But what can we do...Hope that will change in the future. Another thing... have you realized there's no more Neon Clothes?? I used to love that outfits... It's a shame.
Well, I think that's all for today. We promise we will not abandoned this Blog. And that brings me to the next question...will someone be reading this Blog??? I am very curious about that hahaha
Ok. Have a nice day girls!!! Love u!!

Niko and Vale

Friday, 12 July 2013

We are back! + New arrivals

Hey Girls!
It has been a long time!

Sorry for the delay. Lately, we've been more aware of our assignments and tests, so we didn't have enought time to Internet, but we will always try to give you the lastest news on SCW. 
So, while Vale and I were absent, the following news were published. First, a Summer Special.

This time, the AGA staff bring us a great offer to become VIP: the one year package now will cost $39.95 and in addition, when you purchase the membership, you will be given a nice outfit, like in the picture you have on the left. I really love the outfit, especially the top that has a heart shape in the back. Very chic.

And second, new eyeshadows, blush and lipsticks! omg! Yeah. I went to Rouge Cosmetics to check up the new things, and they were very cool. There are cosmetics for VIPs and no-VIPs. That's amazing, right? I bought everything I could. Did you buy something? What do think about them? Did you like the colours?

So that's all for today. I promise we will be back with more :)
See ya later girls!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

New arrival + New Secret Store location!!

Big news girls!! Spark Beat magazine give us its lastest publication: Cute & Patriotic shoulder shirts!! They are available in two versions: canadian and american.

Both are super cool. These types of shirts are very fashionable nowadays, so I think the AGA staff had a very good idea to put them at the Secret Store. Unfortunately, they can only be purchased by VIP members.
Well, talking about the Secret Store... there's a new location!! I looked everywhere and finally found it at Harajuku Threads.

So if you are VIP, don't forget going to get the new shoulder shirts. They rock!
Well, that's it for today. See ya later!!


Monday, 24 June 2013

Hello again, Twinkle Lounge!

Spark City is amazing nowadays. It has changed a lot and I think the game quality has improved as well. But  to be honest, I also miss the old AGA sometimes as many of you. I remember that Twinkle Lounge was my favorite place. I spent a lot of hours there with Vale: we used to dance, talk and laugh. I have very good memories of that place, so it was a real shame when they closed it. Twinkle Lounge simply ceased to exist. Or so I thought.
You know girls, I found a cheat on the Internet about how to enter to the Twinkle Lounge again. At first, I thought It was a lie, of course. "I don't think it's true", I told myself. However, the curiosity beat me. Then I realized the cheat could not be entirely a lie, so I decided to check it out. 
I follow these instructios: 
1st: Open the Spark Beat magazine.
2nd: Go back to the older publications by clicking on the purple button on the right, where it says "Missed something? Click to see more ".
3rd: Continue clicking the purple button until the first news of the right column says "Spooky things are happening at the Twinkle Lounge ". 
4rd: Then click on "New Location".
If you didn't understand, I recommend watching this video:

AND THAT'S IT! You will be able to visit the Twinkle Lounge again and you can also go the the Neon Lanes! Both are awesome places, so if you've never been there, you should definitely go. You won't regret!
I know that many fo you already know how to get there, but I just wanted to share it again. 
At least I hope this has helped someone.

See ya the next time girls!


Sunday, 23 June 2013

Furniture added to the Mystery Crate!

Hey Girls!
As you know, the game give us the ease of obtaining prizes when we invite someone to play in SCW. 

It is easy: we just need to go in front of the Sushi Lounge and click on the big pink box that has a question mark in the middle. Then follow the steps they ask and, when your friend accepts the invitation, you get the prize. Simple! 
If I'm not mistaken, the first gift was a blue cheerleader outfit. It was beautiful, by the way! With pompoms included and everything else! Then, they give us a furniture pack that included a bed, awesome chairs and more. All in green. 
Well, this time, the AGA staff decided to give us a new furniture pack as a prize! Yeeey! 

So this is my review:

The pack includes: a sofa, a glass table, a modern floor lamp and four chairs. Here is the picture of these objects:
Well, I have to say I really like them. Since the items are green, they match perfectly with the other pack I mentioned earlier. 

So that's it for now. I can't wait for the next prize!!!
See ya later girls!!!

Saturday, 22 June 2013

More coins on your purse!

So, people say this is a kind of "cheat", but I think is a kind of "help". Personally, I don't use it 'cause I enjoy playing the games that AGA offer us, but if you want to buy something quickly and you don't have enought coins, maybe you should try the "Mix and Style cheat". 

STEP 1: go to the Arcade and select the game "Mix and Style".


STEP 2: play the game. Dress the doll as you wish and take one photo at least. If you want, decorate it.


STEP 3: Submit the photo and you will get coins.


STEP 4: Submit the photo as many time as you want and everytime you do it, you will get coins.

That's it! Hope you like it! :)


Our beginning!

...Hello? Someone is there?... Ok. Nevermind.
Heeeeey! Welcome to our first Blog! We are very excited and nervous at the same time, but for a while we were thinking of creating a Blog about the wonderful world of Spark City, just for fun. So here we are, trying  to start with "the right foot".

So what are the reasons and purposes for which we decided to create this Blog? Well, one of the main reasons is that we want you to enjoy the game to the fullest, being VIP or not. We know that Jessy, Leiyah, Yuki and Ravenna have their own Blogs in SCW, but we tought it would be great if a player as any of you also have one to share news, secrets and tips.
Like so many members of the 2009, we are proud of the progress of the game, and we've been through so much in these four years that we want the new members to enjoy SCW as much as we did from the beginning.
Experience speaks for itself. This four years playing in All Girl Arcade have taught us many things that could be useful for you: how to organize a great party, where to go to hang out with your friends, what to do when someone insults you... you can read about all that here. We will try to help you as much as we can.
So that's it. This is our Blog! Hope you like it a lot :)
Niko & Vale

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