Saturday, 17 August 2013

I've just realized this!

Ok. So... I'm very clueless, I know, and I swear I hadn't noticed the "new" items in the Secret Store. When I found out what they were, I was very excited: it was just what I like. And also I think this "new" items are not so.. "new". Here there are:
I KNOW! The patriotic shoulder shirts! I always wanted them... I'm not from Canada or USA... but the shirts are so cool that I just wanted both!! So I bought them on the Secret Store, and by the way, now it is on the Water View again.

Another thing I've just noticed... the Summer Party on Spark Park. It's ironic, you know?? It's a Sumer party but here in my country is Winter haha. Well I think I need some sun now... I'm freezing! hahaha
Also I see a lot of watermelons... nice, I love them!! So... as a PARTY, I think I should do something with my sis Vale, I don't know... maybe a party at my apartment or on the same Spark Park that is beautifully decorated! We'll think about something.

Another thing... oh, right! About the clothes... now we can wear our VIP outfits If we have... that's amazing, right?? Yesterday I was very sad about that... but now all changed. Very quickly I must say... but I'm glad :)

So, that all for today. It's saturday (on my country), and I'm gonna have a party! It's Girl's Night! yey! Do you have plans for today with your friends?? Well if you have or not...I hope you have a lot of fun :)


Thursday, 15 August 2013

We are back... again

Hello Girls!
Ok... I must say this... SORRY. I am, really. This year has been crazy for me to be honest.: it's my last year in school and I've been preparing myself for college and finishing my English classes, the same with Vale, so... again... SORRY.
So.... yesterday, Vale and I entered to Spark City and we realized some new things that totally surprised us:

First, the cars. That's absolutely AWESOME! It's a shame that cars are only for VIPs.... now there's another reason for being VIP! I want that pink car... or maybe the red one, OMG! I want all of them!
Second, the siamese cat. So cute!!! And also the brown dog is now available for non-VIPs now, is great news! I have a lot of friends that always wanted a pet, so now they can have one :)
Third... and unfortunately I don't like it very much... the clothes. WHAT HAPPENED?? I have some VIP outfits as much as you have... and now happens that we can't wear those clothes if we are not VIP. My first reaction was: WHAAAAT?? I was very sad. I'm still. But what can we do...Hope that will change in the future. Another thing... have you realized there's no more Neon Clothes?? I used to love that outfits... It's a shame.
Well, I think that's all for today. We promise we will not abandoned this Blog. And that brings me to the next question...will someone be reading this Blog??? I am very curious about that hahaha
Ok. Have a nice day girls!!! Love u!!

Niko and Vale
S Pink Premium Pointer