Monday, 24 March 2014

Yuki's Bio! written by Jessy

Here I have another biography also written in 2008, but this time the writer is Jessy. Wanna meet the real Yuki? Keep reading!
Another thing girls: sadly I still can't find Laiyah's Bio but I'll keep searching. Hope to find it :)
Now enjoy Yuki's bio!

Yuki - Bio

written by Jessy

Getting to know the real Yuki takes some time. She's super-sweet, nice to everybody, and totally lovable. But she's always got her nose in a book, so getting her attention can be a real challenge. Once you've got her talking, though, it doesn't take long to see that Yuki's one of the best friends a girl could find. I know she'll have my back no matter what happens.

"Tougher than she looks"
Yuki is usually calm and quiet, and she's kinda shy - the exact opposite of me! I'm known as the tough one in the group, so I feel like I'm looking out for her a lot of the time. But the thing is, Yuki's a lot tougher than she looks. Underneath that shell of hers, she's always thinking up some brilliant plan, and she's had to bail ME out of trouble more than once. She reads a lot, and no matter what the problem is, she'll dig up a book that's got some answers.

"She totally saved me!"
Yuki's a wicked strategy game player because of her careful thinking, and she's picked up tons of trophies. I tease her because she can't beat me at an action game, but if I'm up against her in a mindbender, she'll win every time. Luckily for me she's much more modest than I am, and she doesn't rub it in! At school, Yuki's a star student. She's won the science fair and the spelling bee every year since I can remember, and teachers like her because she's so helpful.  But she's still not conceited at all - if you give her a compliment, she'll just blush like crazy. Last year when I was having trouble in one of my classes, she tutored me after school every day. She totally saved me!

"She's rocking out"
Yuki can be just a little too cautious, which bugs me sometimes. We're always trying to convince her to be more adventurous. Sometimes she'll surprise us, though - once in a while she'll go for it and do something totally brave and unexpected. I'm so proud of her for getting over her stage fright and becoming the superstar she is. She used to be so shy that making a presentation in class freaked her out, and now she's rocking out and showing off her game skills in front of thousands of people!

"Fun, stylish, smart"
Since we've been on tour, Yuki's gotten a lot more confident than she used to be. The spotlight's been good for her, that's what Frank says. I think she's realizing just how awesome she really is. She's fun, stylish, smart - we've been telling her that for ages. Maybe one of these days she'll finally work up the nerve to talk to a boy she likes, huh?

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Jessy's Inteview by Ella

Hello my dear Spark Girls!! How are you? Hope you're well.
Yesterday I found very interesting data and information of AGA and the Click Stars on the Web. From short biographies and images that I had forgotten its existence. Also I found three interviews with the Click Stars, made by Ella, I don't know if you remember her .... she was that cute little pink robot. Well, today I bring you one of these interviews: Jess's Interview! Enjoy!

From video games to saving the day, Jessy's tough to beat!
Known for her wicked aim and fast reflexes, Jessy hasn't lost an action game in two years! She's one of the toughest girl gamers around. Jessy was featured on the cover of "Gamer Guys" for breaking all the guys' game records. This was an awesome moment for Jessy, since she was the first girl ever featured in the magazine. Jessy always speaks her mind and never holds back. She'll do anything to stand up for her friends. No matter what, Jessy's always in it to win!

Ella here! I'm talking with Jessy, AGA's unstoppable action-game champ!
Hey, how's it goin'?

Jessy, tell me, what's your winning secret?
Practice, hard work and determination. And I picture the look on the boys' faces when they get beat by me! Having my best friends around me helps, too.

How did you start gaming, and how did you get so good?
Well, I have two older brothers, and they would always beat me at games. They bugged me all the time, saying I was "playing like a girl." It drove me nuts! I always knew I could be just as good as the boys. So I practiced all the time until finally I could beat them with my eyes closed!

That must have felt good!
It was great... until one of them turned the system off so I couldn't put my name on the leaderboard! But it was one of the best days ever - I showed them gaming wasn't just a guy thing and that girls can totally rule! Now, they're two of my biggest fans. We still play against each other all the time.

What other hobbies do you have besides gaming?
I'm really into mountain biking, rock climbing and rollerblading. Yeah, I play video games, but I'm also an outdoorsy girl!

Do you have a crush right now?
Heck no! Don't go there, girl! [laughs] I don't even tell Yuki or Mika who I like, so I don't think you'll get it out of me!

Who decorated the apartment you girls share?
Mika did most of the work! She's really into fashion and design, and she ended up making it look super sweet.

What's it like living with Mika and Yuki?
They're my best friends, so they're great to live with... most of the time! Sometimes it makes me crazy, like when Mika takes way too long to get ready in the morning! I can be a bit of a tomboy sometimes since I grew up with my brothers. I still like clothes and shoes and shopping with the girls, but it only takes me five minutes to get dressed and out the door.

What's your favourite food?
Sushi! I've got to get my sushi - when we travel, I always map out the nearest restaurants to try.

What kind of music do you like?
Loud! I like rock music, fast music, anything that gets me pumped up. As soon as I wake up in the morning I blast my stereo. I need music to get the day started!

Any words of advice for other girl gamers?
Yeah - don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something, no matter what it is! If you know you can do it, just do it! Get out there and show 'em what you've got!

So true! Thanks for talking with me.
You know I'll always make time to chat, just don't ever ask me questions when I'm in the middle of a game! [laughs]

Don't you worry, I know better then that!
Talk to you later, Ella! I've got practicing to do!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Jessy's Bio! written by Leiyah

I have some intertesting news for today. Searching and searching on the Internet, I found Jessy's Bio, our super awesome Star Click girl! It's a really old biography witten by Leiyah, the cute girl that now we know as Mika. Remember girls, this was witten on 2008, this is from the super Old-AGA! Enjoy!


Written By Mika

Being around Jessy can be a little hard to handle - that girl never runs out of energy, and every minute of the day she's go, go, go. But if you can keep up with her, you're guaranteed to have the time of your life! Jessy is cool and funny, and she's so outgoing that she makes friends with pretty much everybody. She's awesome, and even though we sometimes have little arguments, I feel totally lucky to call her one of my best friends.

"A heart of gold"
Some people think Jessy's a loudmouth - she always says exactly what's on her mind. But she never fails to stand up for her friends, and when she gets mad it's usually because she wants people to do the right thing. At school, Jessy's always stood up for kids who were picked on. Nobody ever dared to mess with Jessy, even the boys. When she told bullies to back off, they listened! She's tough, but she's got a heart of gold.

Last year, Jessy made her first bungee jump, and lately she's been talking about taking skydiving lessons. Yikes, talk about brave. I'm terrified of heights, so I couldn't even watch. Jessy's not afraid of anything - well, except for spiders. Those really freak her out. Once, Yuki and I put a big fake spider on her pillow while she was asleep. She didn't speak to us for two days afterwards!

"Action Gamer of the Year"
Jessy rocks at action and fighting games because of her fast reflexes and wicked aim. Not only did she win the Action Gamer of the Year trophy, she was featured on the front cover of a gaming magazine!  She was the first girl ever to make the cover, and we were all super-proud of her. It gets to her when people say that girls can't game, and she always works her hardest to prove that girls can do anything boys can.

"A bit of a tomboy"
Jessy's a bit of a tomboy because she grew up with two brothers, and because she's always trying to compete with the guys. She's an outdoorsy girl who doesn't mind getting dirty and sweaty. Ugh! Still, I know she's a girly-girl somewhere on the inside - we love going shopping for clothes together. I'm the one who taught her most of what she knows about fashion - if it weren't for me she would still be wearing the same ratty jeans every day. I hope she's grateful!

"She keeps us laughing"
On tour, we girls have gotten closer than ever, and it's been awesome to be able to spend so much time together. Jessy's good to have around when we're feeling bummed out and tired of traveling, because she never loses her sense of humor and she keeps us laughing all the time. Yeah, Jessy's loud and bold and kinda crazy, but I wouldn't have her any other way.

Friday, 7 March 2014

A Sis-Day!

Hey Girls! How are you? Everything all right? Good. 
Yesterday was our "Sis-Day". A day we celebrate once a month dedicated to our great friendship. We went out together and do things that we both like. We've been waiting for this day for a long time and YESTERDAY was THE DAY. Ladies, I have the honour to present you the Sis-Day!

So, Vale and  I met at my place. We talked A LOT. She is really funny the most of the times. We talked about school, our vacations, boys, cute boys, more cute boys and the activities we could do later. Then we decided to go to our part-time jobs at Tokyo Sushi.

The place was practically empty. We had a few customers, very few, but still we had lots of fun to be honest, especially when we decided to eat fortune cookies and we tried to relate the predictions with our lives. Hilarious! 

After 'a lot of work', we decided to go to the Sweet Tooth Deserts, our favorite place to eat since we joined SCW. I remember this place used to be called 'Girl Gourmet'. Oh, what a beautiful time in the Old-AGA

After eating a few (just a few) cupcakes, of course we did what we LOVE to do: we went SHOPPING! First, we went to Harajuku Threads (years ago, it was called 'Juku Couture'). I'm a big fan of the real Harajuku fashion, so this place is like heaven for me, totally love it! Then we went to the other shops: Timeless Trends and Forever Chic. So after we try on lots and lots of clothes and add many garments to our wish list (I want ALL Threads Harajuku store), we changed the outfit and headed to the Food Court.

We had a DOUBLE DATE!!! We were so excited and nervous at the same time LOL. Vale's boy, Terrance, is a really nice guy. He looks like a bad guy, and that's what Vale loves about him! haha And well, the other guy is Wayne... oh, Wayne, Wayne haha I don't know if you girls have read the first chapter of my story about Wayne and I but ....I SWEAR I hated him when we first met, and I think he hated me too hahaha He just looked very "all the girls want me" and I was very .... weird LOL But over time we have become more friends, as they say over there: opposites attract.

The guys had a lot of things to do: Terrence is the new guitarist of "Sparkle" and together with Wayne had to rehearse with the band, so they had to go. Of course, we totally understand their situation, that's why we didn't bother, and as it was a great day for both of us, we went to the Rooftop. GIRL'S NIGHT OUT PEEPS, OH YEAH!! Actually, apart from having a great dancing night, it was very but very funny: we were the only people in the place!! hahahaha

It was getting very late so we decided to go to my place, and what better way to end this day than with a sleepover!!

It was an AMAZING DAY! I can't wait for the next Sis-Day! I recommend doing this once, it's great fun!
That's all for today! See you the next time!! :*

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

New fashions!: Mardi Grass + Saint Patrick's Day!

So AGAIN... new clothes have arrived, and they are very but VERY GREEN. Have a look!

The first T-shirt, the purple one, is linked to Mardi Grass, the carnival. I really like this garment, it's simple and has a lot of colors. Very nice.
And the others... the green ones are linked to Saint Patrick's Day, aren't they? Well, they are very cute, too green for me maybe lol but I still love them, especially the Gaelic outfit, it looks stunning!

So... what's up?? How are you? How you doin'? How the things between you and your boy are going? Good? Too good? Ok. That's it for today haha See you the next time!
Bye-bye!! :*
S Pink Premium Pointer