Wednesday, 5 March 2014

New fashions!: Mardi Grass + Saint Patrick's Day!

So AGAIN... new clothes have arrived, and they are very but VERY GREEN. Have a look!

The first T-shirt, the purple one, is linked to Mardi Grass, the carnival. I really like this garment, it's simple and has a lot of colors. Very nice.
And the others... the green ones are linked to Saint Patrick's Day, aren't they? Well, they are very cute, too green for me maybe lol but I still love them, especially the Gaelic outfit, it looks stunning!

So... what's up?? How are you? How you doin'? How the things between you and your boy are going? Good? Too good? Ok. That's it for today haha See you the next time!
Bye-bye!! :*

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