Testing microphone...1 2 3...
It's been a long time, hu? How could I've forgot about this site...my God...
So right now I'm hanging around the city and, again, there are just a few people. It's kinda sad to see this, 'cause this game was THE GAME, you know? I feel like an old lady around you girls. Believe me, I'm waaaaay older than you, BUT still love the site. I'm still in love with the concept: A GIRL'S WORLD. Parties. Shopping. Fashion walks. The boyfriends were a good thing..but remember girls, YOU DON'T NEED A GUY TO FEEL COMPLETE (heartbroken over here, by the way...lol)
Ok. So, how many of you want bring the city to life?? I do. I really do. SO. I'm gonna try to contact the admins. I know. It sounds like a "HA! Yeah right...the admins...". But HEY, Im really gonna try. I just want answers, you know? Also I was thinking about making more videos to publicize more about this site. But first I need to learn how to make good videos hahaha and then, I will begin to implement my little knowledge of marketing (it's good to be an old lady sometimes lol). So wish me luck!
To end this post, just wanna post a pic: I met an AWESOME lady today. Her username is AdventureGirl400, but friends call her Hannah. We had so much fun talking. Instant bffs! hahaha
See you later girls! Love ya! Bye!
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